Renfrew Medical Associates
Drs. Bodig, Clarke,
Di Paolo, & Pinard

510 Raglan Street North
Upper Floor, West Side
Renfrew, ON
K7V 1P5

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(last updated April 2021)
What is the Ancient Rivers FHO​?
As of August 1, 2021, the Renfrew Medical Associates (RMA) will be part of a larger Renfrew and Greater Madawaska organizational structure called the Ancient Rivers Family Health Organization.
Family Health Organizations (FHOs) are an initiative of the Ontario Medical Association and the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care. FHOs consist of a group of family physicians who work collaboratively to give their patients best access to personalized care and quality services – with a focus on illness prevention. The system of remuneration by the Ministry of Health for a doctor in a FHO is different than the traditional way in which doctors have been payed in Canada. In a FHO, doctors are mostly payed for how many patients they look after, as opposed to how many patient visits they have on their schedule. A FHO structure should allow your doctor to be more efficient and the hope is s/he can be even more accessible and available to you.
Most family doctors in Ontario are now part of Family Health Organizations.
If you are a current patient of Dr. Bodig, Clarke, Di Paolo, or Pinard and you have not yet signed a rostering form, please CLICK HERE to download a form. Forms can be mailed or dropped off at our office.
Your RMA doctors are very excited about this transition and the opportunities for even better patient care it should provide.
If you have any questions about FHOs, or the Ancient Rivers Family Health Organization in particular, please don't hesitate to contact our office.
For even more information on Family Health Organizations in Ontario, you can click here to access the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care's description.